Monday 1 June 2015

Stroke: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment in India

What is a stroke?
Are there different types of strokes?
Ischaemic stroke
Haemorrhagic stroke
What are the symptoms of a stroke?
  • ability to perform movements — usually affecting one side of the body;
  • speech;
  • part of vision;
  • co-ordination;
  • balance;
  • memory; and
  • perception.
Are there any warning signs of stroke?
The warning signs
  • Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm and leg on one side of the body.
  • Loss of speech, or difficulty talking.
  • Dimness or loss of vision.
  • Unexplained dizziness, especially when associated with any of the above signs.
  • Unsteadiness or sudden falls.
  • Headache (usually severe and of sudden onset).
  • Confusion.

A stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA, cerebral vascular accident or brain attack) occurs when a part of the brain is damaged or destroyed because it is deprived of blood.
There are 2 main types of strokes: ischaemic stroke and haemorrhagic stroke.
Ischaemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and is caused by a blockage of the blood vessels supplying the brain. This may be due to ‘hardening’ and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) or by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel.
One type of ischaemic stroke is a thrombotic stroke. This is caused by a blood clot (thrombus) in one of the arteries of the head or neck, which severely reduces the blood flow. The thrombus may be a result of a build-up of fatty deposits (plaques) in the blood vessels.
Another type of ischaemic stroke is an embolic stroke (or cerebral embolism), caused when a blood clot that forms elsewhere in the body (for example, the chambers of the heart) travels through the circulatory system to the brain. The travelling clot is called an embolus.
The most severe type of stroke is a haemorrhagic stroke. It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts, allowing blood to leak and cause damage to an area of the brain. There are 2 types: subarachnoid haemorrhage, which occurs in the space around the brain; and an intracerebral haemorrhage, the more common type, which involves bleeding within the brain tissue itself.
The symptoms of a stroke usually appear suddenly. Initially the person may feel sick, and look pale and very unwell. They may complain of a sudden headache. They may have sudden numbness in their face or limbs, particularly down one side of their body. They may appear confused and have trouble talking or understanding what is being said to them. They may have vision problems, and trouble walking or keeping their balance. Sometimes a seizure (fit) or loss of consciousness occurs.
Depending on what function the damaged part of the brain had, a person may lose one or more of the following functions:
Some strokes are preceded by mini or temporary strokes — transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs). Mini strokes occur when there is a temporary blood clot and part of the brain does not get the supply of blood it needs.
Symptoms occur rapidly and usually last a short time, from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Like a stroke, the symptoms will vary depending on which part of the brain is affected.
While the symptoms of a TIA are similar to those of a stroke, they are usually temporary and reversible.
However, mini strokes should not be ignored as people who have had a temporary stroke are much more likely to have a stroke than people of the same age and sex who have not had a temporary stroke.
It is important that you see your doctor immediately when the warning signs of stroke occur. Your doctor will determine whether a stroke, a mini stroke or another medical condition with similar symptoms has occurred, such as a seizure or migraine.

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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Why should you choose to get Neurology & Endovascular Neurosurgery in India?

India has some of very famous Neurosurgery & Brain TumorSurgery Institutes. They all are facilitated with latest technology with expert neurosurgeons of the world. Indian Hospitals for this treatment are backed by the most up-to-date technology and equipments. So whether you are from India or coming here from abroad, you can rest assured that you are in expert hands. With introduction of new procedures, India has today become finest medical center in the world. 

You can reduce your surgery costs if you select medical tourism service provider for your medical treatments. A medical tourism service provider like MedWorld India has very good association with the most renowned medical institutions. You can save huge cost if you select India for Neurosurgery & Brain Tumor  
Surgery  through 
MedWorld India Selecting India for neurosurgery means you will receive world class treatments in specialist hospitals. Indian hospitals for this treatment have all necessary facilities and doctors. 

Indian doctors are known all over the world for their skill and knowledge and have the experience of studying and working at the best neuron surgery hospitals in the world.
Most advanced Technology Infrastructure - Blood Bank with 24 hour apharesis facility, advanced laboratory and microbiology (infection control) support, advanced cardiology, DSA and interventional radiology, portable and colour ultra-sonology, Liver Fibro-scan, 64 slice CT scanner, 3 T MRI, PET-CT and nephrology (including 24 hour dialysis and CVVHD).
Neurosurgery Hospitals in India are equipped with the latest and high end technology.
·         Cost of epilepsy surgery in India at best brain surgery hospitals in India is very low as compared to the cost at best hospitals in America or UK with the same level of care and services.

There are many different areas of neurosurgery.

In the brain ("brain surgery") some of the conditions commonly seen include:
·         Brain aneurysms - weaknesses on blood vessels that can burst, leading to death or stroke 
·         Carotid stenosis - narrowing of the arteries supplying the brain, possible leading to stroke or a warning 'TIA' 
·         Vascular malformations - which can bleed - some are congenital (meaning we are born with them), and some develop later in life 
·         Brain tumours - both benign (often curable with surgery) and malignant ( often incurable, but sometimes controllable with surgery) 
·         Acoustic neuromas - a kind of tumour at the base of the brain, related to the hearing nerves 
·         Trigeminal neuralgia - terrible 'spasms' of facial pain that are curable with surgery 
·         Hemifacial spasm - involuntary twitching on one side of the  face - often curable with surgery 
·         Hydrocephalus - a build up of fluid in the brain -  treatable with an endoscope (a surgical camera) or with a shunt (to divert the fluid) 
·         Head injury - blood clots ('haematomas') can develop after a head injury and some need to be removed with surgery 

Some of the spinal conditions treated (in both the lower back and neck) include:

·         Herniated or 'slipped' disc - which presses on a nerve in the spine causing 'sciatica' (or pain in the leg) 
·         Narrowing of the spinal canal - causing leg or arm weakness or pain 
·         Compression of the spinal cord - causing arm and leg weakness or difficulty with fine movements 
·         Tumours in the spine 
·         Blood vessel abnormalities in the spine 
·         Back pain - sometimes requiring treatment with 'spinal fusion' 

Peripheral Nerve problems treated by a neurosurgeon include:

·         Carpal tunnel syndrome - burning and weakness in the hands, often worse at night 
·         Ulnar nerve compression - similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, but caused by compression of a nerve at the elbow 
·         Leg weakness caused by compression of nerves in the leg 
·         Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 
·         Nerve tumours in various places in the body and extremities 

MedWorld India could arrange the following low cost medical procedures for you.
Brain Procedures routinely done in India are;

·         Angioplasty for Cerebrovascular Ischemia
·         Carotid Artery Surgery
·         Epilepsy Vagal Nerve Stimulator
·         Epilepsy Stem Cell Related Treatment
·         IMRT
·         Multiple Sclerosis
·         Stereotactic Radio Surgery
·         Stereotactic Radiotherapy
·         Stimulation for Parkinson's
·         Brain Biopsy
·         Depressed Fractures
·         Endoscopic Surgery - Brain
·         Skull Base Surgery
·         Stereotaxic Procedures
·         Trans Sphenoida Surgery
·         Subdural Hematoma
·         Extradural Hematoma
·         Cranioplasty
·         AVM
·         Evacuation of Brain Abscess
·         Excision - Lobe (Frontal Temp, Cerebellum etc.)
·         Supratentorial Tumors
·         Subtentorial Tumors
·         Ventriculoartial Shunt / Ventriculo Periteomeal
·         Twist Drill Craniostomy
·         Subdural Trapping
·         Abscess Tapping - Non Cardiogenic
·         Placement of ICP Monitor
·         Urokinase Therapy of ICH
·         Vascular Malformation
·         Meningo Excephalocoel
·         CSF Rhinonorrhea Transcranial
·         Trigenial MVD
·         Cardiogenic Ab
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Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

Call Us : +91-9811058159
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Monday 27 April 2015

Low-cost neurosurgery in India

Indian hospitals to offer low-cost neurosurgery in India

Neurosurgery in India is a very good option for abroad patients seeking low cost and safe surgical treatment for the correction of their disorders. Medical tourism in India provides very good assistance to international patients for their comfortable treatment in India. For neurosurgery, patients must find surgeons who are appropriately trained. Another factor to consider is cost and reimbursement. And finally, patients need to be aware that like any new medical technology, this surgery carries with it a certain level of unknown technical risks. SinceNeurosurgery  in india it is still a relatively new procedure in India with a certain level of risks. The cost of Neurosurgery in India is very less compared to that of its cost in other developed countries. Most advanced surgery hospitals for Neurosurgery  in India are in most prominent cities of India.

The large number of neurosurgeries in India enables Indian hospitals to offer low-cost neurosurgery in India. Further, cost of neurosurgery in India is amongst the lowest in the world.

The neurosurgeries performed at hospitals in India include the following
  • ·         Surgery of the Skull Base
  • ·         Micro Vascular Surgery
  • ·         Brain Surgery for Epilepsy
  • ·         Interventional Neuroradiology
  • ·         Neurological Endoscopy
  • ·         Non-Invasive Stereotactic Radiosurgery
  • ·         Craniotomy
  • ·         Surgery for DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation)
  • ·         Spine Decompression Surgery
  • ·         Spine Decompression with Fusion
  • ·         Laminectomy
  • ·         Spine Disc Replacement
  • ·         Scoliosis Surgery
  • ·         Endoscopic Discectomy
  • ·         Spina Bifida

Neurosurgeons in India gravitate towards super specialisation in focus areas such as interventional neuroradiology, skull base surgeries, paediatric neurosurgery, etc. Unlike in the past when orthopaedic surgeons used to perform some spine surgeries, spine surgeries are now performed at leading hospitals in India exclusively by surgeons specially trained in spine surgery.
Success rates of Neurosurgery in India very often exceed international standards. Further, neurosurgery cost in India, is amongst the lowest in the world.

Cost of Neurosurgery in India
The cost of neurosurgery in India is truly economical. Some examples:
·         Neurosurgery cost in India for the removal of Pituitary Gland Tumour : Cost of Neurosurgery in India for the excision of pituitary tumour will involve an expenditure of US dollars three thousand to six thousand. The comparable cost of neurosurgery in the USA would be approximately 5 times as much.
·         Neurosurgery cost in India for Lumbar Spine Fusion: Cost of Neurosurgery in India for this procedure will be approximately US dollars 5000. The comparable cost of neurosurgery in the USA would be US dollars 20,000 at least
Neurosurgery cost in India for spine decompression: Cost of Neurosurgery in India for this procedure would be between US dollars 6000; the cost of neurosurgery in the USA would be at least four times as much
Leading neurosurgery hospitals in India rank amongst the finest in the world. They combine the best of human resources in terms of highly qualified neurosurgeons, neurologists, interventional radiologists, interventional neuroradiologists and the best of material resources in terms of hospital infrastructure and medical equipment.

Why should you choose to get Neurology & Endovascular Neurosurgery in India?
Neurosurgery in India's top hospitals is extremely successful on account of the world class operation theatres and cutting edge technology that is available to neurosurgeons in India. For example:

·        Indian doctors are known all over the world for their skill and knowledge and have the experience of studying and working at the best neuron surgery hospitals in the world.·         Most advanced Technology Infrastructure - Blood Bank with 24 hour apharesis facility, advanced laboratory and microbiology (infection control) support, advanced cardiology, DSA and interventional radiology, portable and colour ultra-sonology, Liver Fibro-scan, 64 slice CT scanner, 3 T MRI, PET-CT and nephrology (including 24 hour dialysis and CVVHD).·         Neurosurgery Hospitals in India are equipped with the latest and high end technology.·         Cost of epilepsy surgery in India at best brain surgery hospitals in India is very low as compared to the cost at best hospitals in America or UK with the same level of care and services.

Treatment of brain and spine disorders are becoming less invasive with the advent of better imaging and interventional technologies. Interventional neuroradiologists in India now offer a wide range of minimally invasive neurosurgeries through angioplasty, placement of stents, treatment of vascular tumors, large aneurysm, embolization for resolution of arteriovenous malformations, etc

Rehabilitation care at hospitals for neurosurgery in India:

In the aftermath of complex neurosurgery, several patients will require intense physical and neuro rehabilitation. Leading hospitals for neurosurgery in Indiahave specialised equipment as well as rehabilitation specialists. Rehabilitation post neurosurgery is targeted in the following areas:
  • ·        Functional Therapy
  • ·         Mobility of Patients
  • ·         Enhanced Movement Therapy

Thursday 23 April 2015

What are the Causes and Factors of Epilepsy

Causes of epilepsy vary by age of the person. Some people with no clear cause of epilepsy may have a genetic cause. But what's true for every age is that the cause is unknown for about half of everyone with epilepsy.
  • Some people with no known cause of epilepsy may have a genetic form of epilepsy. One or more genes may cause the epilepsy or epilepsy may be caused by the way some genes work in the brain. The relationship between genes and seizures can be very complex and genetic testing is not available yet for many forms of epilepsy. 
  • About 3 out of 10 people have a change in the structure of their brains that causes the electrical storms of seizures.
  • Some young children may be born with a structural change in an area of the brain that gives rise to seizures. 
  • About 3 out of 10 children with autism spectrum disorder may also have seizures. The exact cause and relationship is still not clear. 
  • Infections of the brain are also common causes of epilepsy. The initial infections are treated with medication, but the infection can leave scarring on the brain that causes seizures at a later time. 
  • People of all ages can have head injuries, though severe head injuries happen most often in young adults.
  • In middle age, strokes, tumors and injuries are more frequent.
  • In people over 65, stroke is the most common cause of new onset seizures. Other conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or other conditions that affect brain function can also cause seizures.

Common causes of seizures by age:

In Newborns: 
  • Brain malformations
  • Lack of oxygen during birth
  • Low levels of blood sugar, blood calcium, blookd magnesium or other eletrolyte disturbances
  • Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Intercranial hemorrage
  • Maternal drug use 
In Infants and Children: 
  • Fever (febrile seizures)
  • Brain tumor (rarely)
  • Infections
In Children and Adults:
  • Congenital conditions (Down's syndrome; Angelman's syndrome; tuberous sclerosis and neurofibromatosis)
  • Genetic factors
  • Progressive brain disease (rare)
  • Head trauma
In Seniors:
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Trauma

    When a disorder is defined by a characteristic group of features that usually occur together, it is called a syndrome. These features may include symptoms, which are problems that the patient will notice. They also may include signs, which are things that the doctor will find during the examination or with laboratory tests. Doctors and other health care professionals often use syndromes to describe a person's epilepsy.
    Epilepsy syndromes are defined by a cluster of features. These features may include:
    • The type or types of seizures
    • The age at which the seizures begin
    • The causes of the seizures
    • Whether the seizures are inherited
    • The part of the brain involved
    • Factors that provoke seizures
    • How severe and how frequent the seizures are
    • A pattern of seizures by time of day
    • Certain patterns on the EEG, during and between seizures
    • Brain imaging findings, for example, MRI or CT scan
    • Genetic information
    • Other disorders in addition to seizures
    • The prospects for recovery or worsening

    Not every syndrome will be defined by all these features, but most syndromes will be defined by a number of them. Classifying a person's epilepsy as belonging to a certain syndrome often provides information on what medications or other treatments will be most helpful. It also may help the doctor to predict whether the seizures will go into remission (lessen or disappear).